
Course description and objectives

The Ph.D. program analyses global processes and the resulting social, economic, and cultural dynamics. The course is interdisciplinary and gives students the opportunity to complete their studies at International Universities in order to obtain a double degree. The characterizing disciplines are: Economics, Sociology (Legal, Environmental and territorial, Cultural Processes), Mediology, Social Psychology, Law, History and Humanities (with particular reference to practice and reflection on translation activity in multimedia applications), and Information Technology. The course offers training which considers the interdependencies between different social actors in a global system, highlighting the key issues of the present: forms of global governance, new forms of poverty and methods of social inclusion, digital transformation, ecological emergency, and models of sustainability.

Main occupational and professional opportunities

The Ph.D. program in Global Studies trains new scholars who will find employment in different working sectors:
  • in companies operating in a global context, the possible roles of Ph.D. students may be: human resources managers; researchers engaged in the field of social innovation; market and society analysts, capable of combining economic aspects with cultural and social ones in a perspective of sustainability. The complex contemporary context requires interdisciplinary and intersectoral skills that allow students to manage decision-making processes with a broad and non-sectorial vision. The Ph.D. aims to provide the students with the ability to operate considering the social dynamics triggered by new communication technologies, the development of migratory flows, the transformations caused by digital languages, ecological-environmental problems, and the new phenomena of poverty and social exclusion;
  • in Universities, public and private research institutes, foundations and cultural centers, governmental and non-governmental organizations.


The course is divided into three thematic sections:

The curriculum is focused on globalization. In particular, it addresses the following phenomena: the new forms of governance in the hyperconnected and reticular contemporary scenario; the economic dynamics of capitalism and post-capitalism; religion as a cultural factor; the new geopolitical balances; human rights and the fourth industrial revolution with its own impact on society. Additional global issues included in the training are: alternative energies, the food issue, the economy of happiness, sustainable development and the happy degrowth in connection with the evolution of socio-economic systems. The students will be encouraged to reflect on possible strategies to be implemented in a global context that must face the scarcity of resources. The goal is to identify and study new innovative existential types that have respect for the environment and the protection of individual health.
Disciplinary-scientific AreaCompetition-based SectorsNational University Council (CUN) and Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR): Scientific FieldsPercentage of Disciplinary-scientific Area
SECS-P/0613/A – ECONOMICS13 – Economics and Statistics% 35.00
SECS-P/0713/B – BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT13 – Economics and Statistics% 29.00
SECS-P/1013/B – Business administration and Management13 – Economics and Statistics% 14.00
SPS/1214/C – SOCIOLOGY14 – Political and Social Sciences% 8.00
INF/0101/B – INFORMATICS01 – Mathematics and informatics% 7.00
SECS-P/0813/B – BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT13b – Business administration and management% 7.00
Curriculum in collaborazione con:b) Foreign Universities
TOTAL100 %
Diversity, in all its aspects, is the basic focus of the curriculum. Starting from the concepts of identity, culture and community the program will examine immigration, new forms of poverty, civil rights, and gender discrimination as a form of social exclusion. In the context of contemporary global reflections, the students will work to find the most credible and concrete theories and methods in the management of the contradictions between the welfare society and global solidarity. Interculturality, interreligious dialogue, human rights and the complex phenomenon of migratory flows are fundamental elements of the specific curricular path.
Disciplinary-scientific AreaCompetition-based SectorsNational University Council (CUN) and Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR): Scientific FieldsPercentage of Disciplinary-scientific Area
SPS/1014/D – APPLIED SOCIOLOGY14 – Political and Social Sciences% 30.00
SPS/1214/C – SOCIOLOGY14 – Political and Social Sciences% 30.00
M-PSI/0511/E – PSYCHOLOGY11b – Psychology% 14.00
M-STO/0411/A – HISTORY11a – History, philosophy, pedagogy and psychology% 7.00
SECS-P/0613/A – ECONOMICS13a – Economics and Statistics% 10.00
IUS/1012/D – ADMINISTRATIVE AND TAX LAW12 – Law Studies% 9.00
Curriculum in collaboration with:b) Foreign Universities
TOTAL100 %
The curriculum focuses on the predominant imagery in today’s postmodern society, analyzing the new forms of communication and the new digital languages, ​​that are now becoming privileged creators of meaning for individuals and for society as a whole. The main curriculum topics are: the media, as identity builders; Bioethics as the last frontier in the relationship between the humankind and technology; transparency and privacy in the era of hyper-communication; and the new digital psychopathologies. A particular focus is reserved to the digital revolution in the context of the global economy: big data, machine learning, cloud computing and text processing.
Disciplinary-scientific AreaCompetition-based SectorsNational University Council (CUN) and Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR): Scientific FieldsPercentage of Disciplinary-scientific Area
SPS/0714/C – SOCIOLOGY14 – Political and Social Sciences% 20.00
SPS/0814/C – SOCIOLOGY14 – Political and Social Sciences% 37.00
SECS-P/0813/B – BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT13b – Business administration and management% 10.00
L-FIL-LET/0810/E – MEDIEVAL LATIN AND ROMANCE PHILOLOGIES AND LITERATURES 10 – Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history% 15.00
INF/0101/B – INFORMATICS01 – Mathematics and informatics% 7.00
SECS-P/0713/B – BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT13b – Business administration and management% 11.00
Curriculum in collaboration with:b) Foreign Universities
TOTAL100 %

Disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching activity

Teachings of the courseTot CFU: 60Number of coursesWith final exam
From master’s degree coursesYes3With final exam: 3
From three-year degree coursesYes1With final exam: 1
Seminar cyclesYes
Research staysYesAbroadExpected average period: 12 months

Description of the training activities provided by art. 4, paragraph 1, lett. f)

LinguisticsStudents can request to be enrolled in linguistic improvement classes (English, French, Chinese, Arabic) coordinated by the Language Center of Dante Alighieri University. The University is an authorized center for the Italian Language Competence Certification exam (PLIDA). In collaboration with the “Itals Laboratory” of the “Ca’ Foscari University of Venice”, the university is also an authorized centre for the CEDILS Certification (Certification in the teaching of Italian to foreigners)
Computer technologyUniversity “Dante Alighieri” has a workshop activity dedicated to computer science and the new technologies of digital communication and econometrics. The laboratory equipment is available for the Ph.D. students.
Knowledge of research and funding systemsThe Ph.D. includes teaching activities on the use of:
a) virtual libraries and databases available on the web;
b) Italian and European research funding systems.
Utilization of research results and intellectual propertyStudents will be trained on the utilization of research results and intellectual property. These competencies are provided through collegial and peer-to-peer presentations and discussions on the intermediate stages of the student’s research, and through the participation in national and international seminars and conferences. The student will get specific skills on the correct management of research, the knowledge of research and financing systems, and on managerial abilities in a globalized context.

25 Settembre 2023

The Decree no. 32/2023 appointing the Selection Board for admission to the 39th cycle of the PhD course in “Global Studies” has been published on

27 Settembre 2022

The report no. 2 of the Selection Board for access to the 38th cycle has been published in the “Bandi, concorsi, gare e appalti” section

20 Settembre 2022

The report no. 1 of the Selection Board for access to the 38th cycle has been published in the “Bandi, concorsi, gare e appalti” section


University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria – Via Del Torrione, 95 – 89125 Reggio Calabria (Italy)